Brakelight Flasher
This is basically a flasher circuit modified to turn on and off a bulb
instead of a LED. It uses a 555 timer IC working as an astable multivibrator.
The flashing rate can be varied from very fast to a maximum of once in 1.5 sec
by varying the preset VR1.
The ON time of the circuit is given by:
TON= 0.69xC1x(R1 + VR1) second
and the OFF time is:
TOFF= 0.69xC1xVR1 second
You can increase the value of C1 to 100uF to get a slower flashing rate of upto
once in 10 sec.
Title: Brakelight Flasher
electronic circuit
Published on: 2005-02-01
Reads: 1015
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