Programmers for Jupiter Card
In this page programmers for Jupiter Card are described. I've added LED's which indicate DATA stream. These LED's are not in the pictures.
Jupiter Card programmer II
The original hardware and software PonyProg (which can be used for Jupiter Card programmer II) is presented in Lanconelli Open Systems. A SmartMouse oscillator is used insted of original circuit to prevent problems, which are announced by error message "Device missing or unknown device (-24)". The serial port of PC is used for connection. This programmer is compatible with so-called "Harpune" programmer.
jupproga2.bmp - PCB of Jupiter Card programmer II,
jupproga2s.bmp - schematic diagram of Jupiter Card programmer II,
jupproga2o.bmp - layout of components of Jupiter Card programmer II.
Jupiter Card programmer - version
List of components:
1 x slot for ISO card (eight pins are enough)
1 x female 9pin connector RS232
2 x capacitor 22pF
1 x capacitor 47pF
3 x capacitor 100nF
1 x capacitor 4,7uF/16V (1uF-22uF/16-63V)
2 x resistor 1K0
1 x resistor 2K2
2 x resistor 4K7
3 x resistor 10K
1 x resistor 15K
1 x resistor 1M0
2 x 1N4148
2 x green LED, 3mm "Low Power"
2 x Zener diode 5.1V
1 x NPN transistor BC 337, BC547 C
1 x 74HC00
1 x 78L05
1 x crystal 4MHz
Jupiter Card programmer for parallel port II
The original hardware and software PonyProg (which can be used for Jupiter Card programmer for parallel port II) is presented in Lanconelli Open Systems.
jupprogp2.bmp - PCB of Jupiter Card programmer for parallel port II,
jupprogp2s.bmp - schematic diagram of Jupiter Card programmer for parallel port
jupprogp2o.bmp - layout of components of Jupiter Card programmer for parallel
port II.
List of components:
1 x slot for ISO card (eight pins are enough)
1 x female Centronix connector 36pin or Cannon 25-male
2 x capacitor 22pF
1 x capacitor 47pF
4 x capacitor 100nF
1 x capacitor 22u/16-63V - depend on power supply
1 x resistor 1K0
1 x resistor 2K2
2 x resistor 10K
1 x resistor 100K
1 x resistor 1M0
1 x 1N4001
2 x green LED, 3mm "Low Power"
1 x 74HC00
1 x 74HC244
1 x 78L05
1 x crystal 4MHz
Download packet |
Content of Packet:
info_r.htm - this page,
- jupproga2.bmp - PCB of Jupiter Card programmer II,
- jupproga2s.bmp - schematic diagram of Jupiter Card programmer II,
- jupproga2o.bmp - layout of components of Jupiter Card programmer II,
- jupprogp2.bmp - PCB of Jupiter Card programmer for parallel port II,
- jupprogp2s.bmp - schematic diagram of Jupiter Card programmer for parallel port II,
- jupprogp2o.bmp - layout of components of Jupiter Card programmer for parallel port II.
Title: Programmers for Jupiter Card
electronic circuit
Published on: 2005-02-02
Reads: 1059
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