EPROM adapter for ATMEL 89 Series Flash Microcontroller Programmer Ver 2.0
Electronic Schematics > Microcontrollers > EPROM adapter for ATMEL 89 Series Flash Microcontroller Programmer Ver 2.0
The EEprom programmer software supports the following devices.
28C16 28C256 28C17 29C256 28C64
Diode D1 and resistor R1 provide the VDD isolation when programming the 24 pin devices. The jumper J3 must be shorted for 24 pin devices, and open circuit for 28 pin device programming. Following EEPROMs are pin compatible with their EPROMs version,
28C16 ---> 2716
28C64 ---> 2764
29C256 ---> 27256
The software for this adapter is located here: http://chaokhun.kmitl.ac.th/~kswichit/E2RomPgm_web/PgmE2w.zip
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Kyriakos Kontakos (kkontak@hotmail.com)
Title: EPROM adapter for ATMEL 89 Series Flash Microcontroller Programmer Ver 2.0
electronic circuit
Source: www.electronics-lab.com
Published on: 2005-02-02
Reads: 2483
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