IR Remote Control Jammer
Don't like your little brother's TV channel selection? Hate the volume your wife sets the stereo at? Want to just annoy someone? This circuit does all that and more by jamming most IR remote signals. The circuit releases a flood of pulsing IR light that confuses the reciever by corrupting the data stream.
Part | Total Qty. | Description | Substitutions |
R1 | 1 | 100K 1/4W Resistor | |
R2 | 1 | 150K 1/4W Resistor | |
R3 | 1 | 10K 1/4W Resistor | |
R4 | 1 | 1K 1/4W Resistor | |
R5 | 1 | See "Notes" | |
C1 | 1 | 10nF Ceramic Disc Capacitor | |
C2 | 1 | 1uF Electrolytic Capacitor | |
D1, D2, D3 | 3 | High Output IR LED | |
Q1 | 1 | 2N4403 PNP Transistor | |
Q2 | 1 | 2N4401 NPN Transistor | |
S1 | 1 | Normally Open Momentary Push Botton | |
B1 | 1 | 4.5V Battery (Three "AA"'s In Series) | |
MISC | 1 | Wire, Case, Board |
1. Email Carl with questions, comments, etc.
2. You may need to adjust the value of R3 for the right frequency. A pot can be used.
3. You may only need one IR LED.
4. It goes without saying that this circuit should be used with descretion.
Title: IR Remote Control Jammer
electronic circuit
Published on: 2005-02-03
Reads: 1053
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