IR transceiver 1.0 IR transceiver enable to increase range of PDA IR port up to 15 meters (50 feet).
Schematic -
Parts -
Single-side PCB (25.9 x 55.1 mm) -
Part list:
Resistors :
R1 - 12 K SMD (size 1206)
R2 - not use if you have R1=12K and C3=1n5
R3 - 270 SMD (size 1206)
R4 - 2R7 (not SMD, size 0207)
R5 - 100 K SMD (size 1206)
Capacitors :
C1 - 47uF / 6.3V tantalum
C2 - 47uF / 6.3V tantalum
C3 - 1n5 SMD (size 1206)
C4 - not used
C5 - 100n SMD (size 1206)
C6 - 100n SMD (size 1206)
ICs :
IC1 - HSDL - 1001 (IR transceiver 115kBd 3V, SMD, HP - now Agilent
IC2 - 74HC4538 (SMD)
Diodes :
D1 - HSDL - 4220 (IR LED 5mm 30°, HP - now Agilent Technologies)
D2 - red LED 3 mm
Connectors :
SV1 - 9 pin 2.54 mm, male (on board) + female (soldered on battery pack)
Box :
size 31 x 61 (WxL) mm
Battery Pack :
Battery Pack for two AAA batteries with 2 soldering contacts:
Battery :
2 pcs. of AAA alkaline batteries !
Remarks :
1. Battery life time in IDLE mode is approx. 4 month (depend on use). You can
use small switch to switching between SLEEP mode and IDLE mode, so battery life
can be increase up to 3 years (depend on use).
2. You can use PDAwin IR transceiver separately from your PDA up to range approx.
1 meter.
Title: IR transceiver 1.0
electronic circuit
Published on: 2005-02-10
Reads: 1141
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