4 - Channel Digital Logic Analyzer and 5 Channel Digital Oscilloscope by using PC Parallel Port
Electronic Schematics > PC related > 4 - Channel Digital Logic Analyzer and 5 Channel Digital Oscilloscope by using PC Parallel Port
This is one of the simplest circuit for a PC parallel port based DLA. The Circuit is mainly used to protect the port which is fabricated on the motherboard itself.
Самая актуальная информация алкоголь купить на сайте.The IC 74LS04 is an inverter and acts as a buffer. The Zener is used for undervoltage and overvoltage protection. If a voltage > 5V appears on the input, The buffer will not transmit this voltage to the PC. In the case of a voltage < 0V, The Zener will break down and 0.7V will appear at the input, hence again protecting the PC.
The software consists of two parts a graphical interface which shows five digital waveforms,.Various features of the waveforms can be controlled by the software. There is also a text interface in which the circuit is used as a 4-Channel DLA. The software is in pascal , an executable version is also avaliable.
Title: 4 - Channel Digital Logic Analyzer and 5 Channel Digital Oscilloscope by using PC Parallel Port
electronic circuit
Source: www.electronics-lab.com
Published on: 2005-02-03
Reads: 1680
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